- Local Body Tax to be abolished from 1st August
2015. Compensation of Revenue by enhancing VAT tax rate. - Women drawing salary upto to Rs.10000 per month
exempted from Profession Tax . - Tax rate on ladies Hand Bags and Purses reduced
from 12.5 per cent to 5 per cent. - Work Book, Graph Book, Drawing Book and
Laboratory Book for student’s tax free. - Tax rate on LED Bulb reduced from 12.5 per cent
to 5 per cent. - Tax rate on Guide wire used in medical treatment
reduced from 12.5 per cent to 5 per cent. - Some medicines for treatment of Cancer tax free.
- Reduction of late fee for VAT Return from Rs.
2000 to Rs.1000. - Tax concession on essential commodities
continued for one more year. - No VAT on Service Tax.
- Rate of Excise Duty on Country liquor to be at
200 per cent of manufacturing cost or Rs. 120 per proof liter, whichever is higher. - Mobilisation of Revenue by enhanced premimum on
additional FSI. - Entry Tax on import of Long Steel in State.
- Tax rate on Plain & Pre-laminated Particle
Board enhanced from 5 per cent to 12.5 per cent.
Highlights of Tax Proposals in Maharashtra State Budget 2015-2016