15th April, 2016 |
Re: Hosting of exemption(s) in a paper granted in Intermediate and Final examinations, valid for May, 2016. Exemption(s) in a paper(s) are granted to candidates of Intermediate and Final examinations, in terms of Regulation 37C(8) and Regulation 38C(6), respectively, of the Chartered Accountants Regulations 1988. The rules in this regard are provided in the Guidance Notes made available to the candidates along with the examination forms and hosted on http://icaiexam.icai.org. The related FAQs are also hosted on www.icai.org. However, in spite of the information already made available, it is seen that some of the candidates carry a mistaken notion that they enjoy an exemption in a paper(s) whereas in reality they do not and end up absenting themselves in the said paper, resulting in avoidable hardships. To avoid this kind of situation, exemption(s) granted in a paper(s) which are valid for May 2016 examination are hosted on http://exemptions.icaiexam.icai.org, so that candidates can check their exemption status before the exams and take necessary action. Date of hosting the exemption data : 15th April, 2016 Hence, candidates are advised to check the details more particularly, the month and year of exam and roll number indicated on the said site, with those contained on the relevant Statement of marks issued to them. Exemptions granted in a paper(s) are indicated by way of “#” against the marks awarded thereon and the Result of the relevant Group is indicated as “F-EX”, in the Statement of Marks. In case of discrepancy, if any, candidates are advised to write to Exam Dept. immediately, in any case not later than 25th April, 2016, at the e-mail address provided herein below, enclosing scanned copy of the relevant mark sheet in which exemption was granted. Final candidates : final.exemption@icai.in Exam Dept. will respond, within 7 days of the receipt of the e-mail. In case you do not receive any response within 7 days, write to: Final candidates : final2@icai.in |
Examination Department |
ICAI Hosted exemptions in a paper granted in Intermediate and Final examinations, valid for May, 2016